My 37th birthday…Mexico Style

I brought the year and my birthday in with a bang….There is one day a year you should make a big deal about yourself and that is your birthday!!! This year it was Mexico,best friends and sisters. I had such an amazing time and so thankful for the opportunity!!!

Till next time Mexico…..


I can’t really say there was one particular thing that I truly challenged myself too and really stuck with it. With most things I would start but after time I would loose motivation or just other things take my attention away. However,with my weight loss journey that had not been the case, and boy has that paid off. It’s not often I feel like I can pat myself on the back, but today I must. You know the saying “a picture can say a thousand words” well that’s pretty true,so today I want to celebrate me for sticking with it cause by no means was it easy. It continues to be a be a challenge, however I have never felt better physically. Getting in the gym is my happy place, I love knowing I’m going to get in a good sweat. Even at my biggest I felt good about myself but for my height and age it just was not healthy, and that is what I want to encourage others is that good health is the important thing. Don’t wish for the body that someone has cause we are not built the same way. Everyone is unique, sexy, and awesome in their own. Embrace your healthy you and watch what happens, I promise you won’t be disappointed.